When things are tough and everyone is being told to stay home to prevent viral transmission, our only goal is to just survive. We overlook the unsung heroes who are tenacious and unwavering in their commitment to helping our country.

There are no words to adequately explain how grateful we are at Wanderskye for all of your efforts to keep us safe, and especially for the sacrifices you made on our behalf. For all doctors, nurses, police officers and firefighters, as well as personnel of supermarkets and delivery services, gas station attendants, and public transportation employees this is for you. Additionally, we would like to convey our appreciation to the farmers and other essential workers.

We'll never know how much pressure you've been under since taking on the responsibility of prioritizing the safety of the population, but one thing is for certain: we see you.

Though we cannot do everything you can for the country and us, we will help you in any manner we can. Immunization, keeping a safe distance from others when out and most importantly self-protection comprise the bare minimum health habits.

These are only a few ways in which we can be of assistance. Again, thank you so much. All of this will be over in due time. Thank you for being an inspiration to us all!

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