For some there is an option to stay and work from home but for others, it's a whole different story. Meet our local business owners and learn how they make sure that they follow all the health protocols. 
Watch her interview here

Local businesses have been quite the hit for some due to convenience – home-based food business to name one. However, with the ongoing pandemic, there have been many downsides. Factors such as deliveries and suppliers have been affected. “Since the courier can only deliver to selected areas, some of our customers are cancelling their orders.” Anica Saraza, a full time-mom and home-baker and owner of A&S Cakes and Pastries said. But to keep them going, the consumers’ health is their top priority by giving quality service and products. “The baking area and equipment should be sanitized and cleaned before preparing the ingredients. And when I bake, I use gloves, hairnet and an apron. Wanderskye’s Atmos Purifier is of big help to keep my working area clean and safe.”


Watch her interview here

Stephanie Carpio, owner of The Good Cheat, a home-based pastry shop relates to Anika. She has guaranteed provision of healthier and safer products by thoroughly sanitizing the equipment they use.“Wanderskye’s Clean Zip Pouch has been helpful especially if we need to store or transfer baked goods or ingredients for a longer time, and is a space-saver.”


Watch his interview here

Physical stores where you can find and avail your everyday essentials enforces protocols to ensure the customers and employees are safe. As a travel ambassador, one of the most important parts of Alvin Mariano’s job is interacting with different people. He is responsible for introducing Wanderskye’s products and their use. “Due to many restrictions, social distancing must be maintained and every time we interact with a customer, we have to disinfect our hands. Aside from Wanderskye’s face mask and shield, I also use the Clean Clip with alcohol and pen. Sanitizing has become easier because it can be carried around. The pen can be then used as a phone stand, for elevator buttons and atm machines.” He encouraged everyone.

Everyone is in a dark place right now, but the frontliners have become the symbol of light. All of them reminded us to cooperate, follow the safety guidelines and to pray for the better days to come.

Don’t forget to wear and take your health essentials with you. If you want to be equipped safely and in style, you can visit Wanderskye: a home for your everyday necessities and brand trusted by our everyday heroes.

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