
Rainy Season Must-Haves

Rainy Season Must-Haves

No rain can ever stop a true Wanderer from taking that long-awaited vacation. But getting ready for the cold, wet season may feel like more work than usual, given there are a few considerations you have to keep in mind when preparing! So, we've put together a list of some Wanderskye travel essentials that will come in handy during your trip: Luggage Cover  While a little drizzle may not be alarming, protecting your belongings in the midst of a downpour can save you from the hassle a wet suitcase (and essentials!) can bring. And this is where a luggage cover comes in handy!...

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Safe and Secure Travels with Wanderskye

Safe and Secure Travels with Wanderskye

Essentials for a Safe and Secure Travel Going to a foreign city or a country for the first time may sometimes include a few worries here and there. Understandably so, being in a new place unfamiliar to you would increase your instinct to be even more cautious and observant of your surroundings. Luckily, there are a few items and tips that can help make your trip as secure and safe as possible so you can enjoy it with fewer worries and more fun. To help you avoid becoming a victim of unfortunate events, we've compiled a list of must-have items for your travels, as...

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Tips on Taking Great Vacation Photos

Tips on Taking Great Vacation Photos

One can never go on vacation and not take snaps and clips of special moments on camera as keepsakes for the future. Besides, we should never take anything from our destinations but memories aka pictures, right? Just imagine returning from a trip with no photos to remind you of what you saw or experienced there — that's definitely no fun! While shooting photos has been made more accessible to almost everyone. thanks to technology, capturing perfect moments may prove to be difficult at times. We definitely want to be able to capture not just sceneries but emotions in photos without the need...

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Why Organize with Packing Cubes

Why Organize with Packing Cubes

Advantages of a Bag Organizer You may be wondering why you would still need a bag organizer if you already are carrying a bag. Well, people usually have a lot of items they need to carry with them while they are out and about, especially women — we know a lot of you can relate. 😉 You probably find it a bit tedious to have to dig through your bag to find your things, especially when you're out traveling and supposedly enjoying your trip.  So, in order to help you decide whether investing in bag organizers is a smart move, we've put together a list of benefits you...

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Experience Local: 5 Filipino Delights To Try

Experience Local: 5 Filipino Delights To Try

Experience Local: 5 Filipino Delights To Try For our friends from other cultures, it just would not be right to pay a visit to the Philippines and not eat at least a few of the country's famous dishes and delicacies, such as the mouthwatering snacks that have become the locals' signature delights. So if you find yourself in the Philippines at any point in your life, or are a Filipino just craving something very Pinoy to eat, you owe it to yourself to try some of the regional delicacies that are famous all around the nation. If you don't, your...

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Tips for Getting Cheap Flights

Tips for Getting Cheap Flights

It doesn't matter if you're a first-timer or a seasoned traveler, or somewhere in between — booking a flight at a low price can make anyone giddy! Getting a plane ticket may seem easy but not many know what it takes to score cheaper flights for your next travels. A wide range of options and websites are available to help you search for the best travel deals — the Internet to the rescue! Here are some tips to help you save money on your next flight! Utilize flight search engines. There are a few websites that can show you lists and even comparisons...

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